Full Event Agenda

Discover our sessions and discussion topics.

DAY 1, Monday 3 June (hybrid)

12:30 Registration

13:35 Opening session
           Tim Lemmens, Policy Officer – Earth Observation Unit, DG DEFIS

13:40 Welcome speech
           Salla Saastamoinen, Deputy Director-General, DG JRC
           Leena Ylä-Mononen, Executive Director, EEA

14:00 Panel discussion on potential contributions of different policies to the planetary crisis
         Ivan Kulis, Head of Unit, Nature Conservation and Observation, DG JRC (moderator)
         Robert Konrad, Adviser to the Director, DG ENV
         Barron Joseph Orr, Chief Scientist, United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)

14:40 CLMS updates & Upcoming milestones
          Tim Lemmens, Policy Officer – Earth Observation Unit, DG DEFIS
          Usue Donezar, Project Lead – Copernicus Land Monitoring Service, EEA
          Andreas Brink, Project Lead – Copernicus Land Monitoring Service, DG JRC

15:20 Teaser poster presentations


16:30 Strategic Research Agenda and the CLMS Horizon Europe projects
         José Miguel Rubio Iglesias, Expert – Copernicus In Situ Data, EEA (moderator)
         CUP4Soil project by Uta Heiden, DESIS Mission Science Coordinator, DLR
         Evoland project by Ruben Van de Kerchove, Scientific Coordinator, VITO
         Water-ForCE project by Carmen Cillero, Project Manager, 3edata SL
         CURE project by Nektarios Chrysoulakis, Director of Research, FORTH & Head of the Remote Sensing Lab
         SRIA - future outlook by Francesca Somma, Programme Officer, KCEO Team, DG JRC

17:20 Belgian research projects on use of EO data for environment monitoring
         José Miguel Rubio Iglesias, Expert – Copernicus In Situ Data, EEA (moderator)
         Introduction by Joost Vandenabeele, Manager of EO Belgian programmes, BELSPO
         C-SNOW/SNOWTRANE projects by Hans Lievens, Researcher, Ghent University
         ET-SENSE/HERMES projects by Diego Miralles, Research Professor, Ghent University
         PONDER/RADCOR projects by Alexandre Castagna Mourão e Lima, Researcher, Ghent University

18:00 Closing session
           Tim Lemmens, Policy Officer – Earth Observation Unit, DG DEFIS

18:10 Reception & Networking time, including poster session

DAY 2, Tuesday 4 June (hybrid)

08:30 Registration

09:00 Welcome for the day
            Tim Lemmens, Policy Officer – Earth Observation Unit, DG DEFIS

09:10 Presentations by CLMS users
           Ines Marinosci, Scientific Researcher, ISPRA
           Cheikh Mbow, Director General, Centre de Suivi Écologique in Senegal (CSE)

09:50 Parallel feedback sessions
           EEA, DG JRC & DG DEFIS : "Cloudification of the CLMS portfolio" by:
            Matteo Mattiuzzi, CLMS Expert, EEA
           Simone Balbo, CLMS Project Officer, DG JRC
           Daniel Quintart, Legal and Policy Office for Space Data, DG DEFIS

           EUSPA: "CLMS: from data to product" by: Carmen Aguilera, Head of Section Operational Market Development, EUSPA
           DG JRC: "From education to implementation - user stories from the global community" by: Andreas Brink, CLMS Project Lead, DG JRC

10:35 Introduction to the Marketplace


11:10 Marketplace: An opportunity to engage with the CLMS team and address any inquiries or feedback.

12:30 LUNCH

14:00 Gathering user requirements for Thematic Hubs 
          Usue Donezar, Project Lead – Copernicus Land Monitoring Service, EEA (moderator)
          Energy and Health by Julie Letertre, Copernicus Health Hub Lead, ECMWF
          Arctic and Coastal by Muriel Lux, Copernicus Coastal and Arctic Hub Lead, MOi

14:50 Teaser poster presentations


15:50 Keynote Speech
           Janez Potočnik, Co-Chair, UNEP – International Resource Panel

16:20 Closing session
Mauro Facchini, Head of Unit for Earth Observation, DG DEFIS
          Ivan Kulis, Head of Unit, Nature Conservation and Observation, DG JRC
          Karl Hamilton, Head of Data and Information Services, EEA
          Tim Lemmens, Policy Officer – Earth Observation Unit, DG DEFIS

17:00 Reception & Networking time, including poster session